Transportation in Tokyo 2 : Subway&Trains | wifi rental japan

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We have checked how to take buses in Japan on previous article and I informed you that I would introduce train and subway systems in Japan. I think most of you who are visiting Tokyo will mainly use train because you can basically go whenever you want by train. It is also possible to move from Tokyo to somewhere else in Japan by trains if you are willing to spend at least 2~3 days only for moving.

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Same concept can be applied to trains and subway as well for the usage of trains and subway. Do you remember PASMO and SUICA which are smart transportation cards? Taking trains and subway will become much easier if you have these cards. It will be helpful for you to save time since buying paper tickets from ticket machines requires you to find your destination among uncountable stations and sometimes they don’t even mention the name of station. In this case, you have to find your destination from a big map and check how much it costs. Therefore, having smart cards plays an important role when traveling Japan. Charge and ta pit. Everything will finish with these two actions. Read More