Tracking Number (We will let you know tracking number by email after shipment.)
Please be aware of business hours.
When applying, be sure to write “flight number” and “arrival time” (Example: JL123/13:00)
Please order at least 3 days before your pick-up date.
【JAL ABC Counter】
How to Return
Please drop pocket WiFi router in any post box in Japan before you leave. There are post boxes inside airport so you can use pocket WiFi router until the last minute in Japan.
Advantages of Using wifi-rental-japan
You can use high-speed 4G data anywhere, anytime in Japan.
It is easy to pick-up and return.
You can use unlimited data with only JPY900/day.
You can connect up to 30 devices to one pocket WiFi router.
List of Post Office and Delivery Counters at Airport