Discovering Shinjuku: A Guide for Foreign Visitors to Tokyo’s Vibrant Heart

Shinjuku, located in the heart of Tokyo, is a vibrant area where dynamic cityscapes, extensive shopping experiences, delicious cuisine, and round-the-clock entertainment converge. This bustling district is a stunning blend of Japanese tradition and contemporary culture, continuing to captivate visitors from around the globe. This article aims to introduce must-visit tourist spots in Shinjuku for foreign travelers, along with useful information to enhance their visit.

Must-Visit Tourist Spots

1.Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden

[reference] Read More

Healthy Restaurants in Tokyo | wifi rental japan

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Eating clean is very important when you are thinking of being healthy. There are a lot of delicious food in Japan; however, not everything can be considered to be literally ‘healthy’. For example, Japanese ramen is usually thought to be healthy food. Well, it’s true when we compare to instant noodles. It depends on recipe and I do know human body needs proper amount of fat, but personally I don’t think a bowl of ramen made with oily(and salty) pork broth can be healthy. Read More

Being Healthy in Japan | wifi rental japan

Keeping our body healthy is very important wherever you are and whatever you do. Losing health directly connects to the decrease of life quality. However, it is not really easy to keep healthy life especially if we are far apart from home country. Environment around you will be very different from the one you used to meet everyday and exciting feeling of living abroad finishes quite quickly.

And this is why we always need to be conscious of health. Trying to work out at least a few times in a week and to eat healthily. Small things can make a big difference. In this article, we will look for some tips to keep healthy life in Japan. Read More

Jumbo Size Meals in Japan | wifi rental japan

We all know that doing something ‘too much’ is not really good for our health. From things which are usually considered as bad such as alcohol and cigarette to healthy things like exercise and drinking water… Everything can result in serious addicts or disease and that’s why always keeping the line is important.

However, if you are a person who has a big appetite and challenging attitude, there is one thing you may try in Japan. It’s big food challenge!  The amount or size of food is usually a lot. Literally a lot. It is nearly impossible for people with normal sized belly to finish up one dish. Many Youtubers who are called as food fighter try these challenges. In this article, we will look for where to try Japanese jumbo sized foods. Read More

Famous Japanese Horror Movies | wifi rental japan

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Do you like horror movies? Some people will say yes while others say no. It seems like it is hard to find middle stance regarding horror movies. Personally I felt western horror movies tend to focus on ‘haunted house’ while Asian movies focus on personal stories of ghost such as why she became ghost. Japanese horror movies are very famous so that some have been remade as Hollywood movies. In this article, we will look for several Japanese horror movies and its main stories.

The ring series

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If you feel like you have ever seen this circle mark, it means you know or at least indirectly have seen some part of movie ‘the ring’. A long hair woman with white one-piece type clothes… A typical type of ghost in Japan and some Asian countries. You can also find a book but it is different to see and watch all the time. Thanks to its popularity, the movie has been remade in the U.S several times. Read More

100 Yen Stores in Japan | wifi rental japan

What kind of things can we do with one dollar? 100 yen, which has almost same value as 1 dollar, is formed as a coin in Japan. This 100 yen may mean nothing to somebody; however, you can buy something practical for your daily life with 100 yen here in Japan. Daiso, which is world-widely well known 1 dollar shop, can be a good example. In this article, we will look for several 100 yen shops in Japan.


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Daiso definitely is one of the most famous 100 yen shops in Japan. You can also find Daiso out of Japan; for instance, I used to go to Daiso a lot when I was living in Vancouver, Canada. There are also tons of Daiso shops in my home country as well. Daiso was founded in 1977 and now they have 2,800 shops only in Japan. Read More

Interesting Japanese Bands : Visual Kei?! | wifi rental japan

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Similar to Western glam rock, visual-kei bands are Japanese musicians putting thick make up and setting their hairstyles very elaborate. As you can see from the picture above, they pursue fashion which it not really common to see on the street. It is possible that some people may think they don’t have proper ability as a band since their looking is very exaggerating.

However, it is not 100% true. For sure, not all groups are perfect since some become professional while others just remain as enjoying their personal hobbies. Some visual-kei groups are very popular and famous for their both appearance and ability as a band. In this article, we will look into several Japanese visual-kei bands. Read More

Driving Spots Near Tokyo | wifi rental japan

Living in Tokyo is very exciting. This big city is full of interesting attractions and mouthwatering foods. It has never been boring since I moved to Japan. However, we need something different from time to time. Exploring Tokyo is fun enough, but sometimes we want to go to further places. It is time for us to rent a car and go for a drive. Be careful if you drive on the right side in your home country since Japan adopts left hand drive.

Driving in a jammed city is very stressful. Imagine if you are driving a car with scenic views of nature and there are almost no cars. Different from city, it gives us feeling of freedom. In this article, we will look for several places we can go with a car from Tokyo. Read More

Fortune Telling in Japan | wifi rental japan

Have you seen the horror movie series ‘Destination’? The story is mainly about a main character dreams of future disasters and somehow prevents it from happening in real.  Thanks to her/him, some people survive from death; however, their destiny doesn’t allow them to be alive. Yeah, they all die at the end basically.

Some people believe in our destiny. They believe our life is already decided from the point we were born while others believe life is an adventure we need to go through. Fortune telling is a common practice in many countries in this world; and Japan as well, you can go to a fortune teller. It usually costs around 10-30 dollars depend on what is your main question and how many minutes you want to use fortune telling service. Read More

Working Holiday in Japan | wifi rental japan

Working holiday visa is a special visa which allows you to stay in Japan with work permit. However, there is a regulation that your age must be between 18 and 30 and you can use this visa up to one year. This visa enables you to have special experience in Japan of working at restaurants, cafes, hotels, and shops. It is also possible for you to become a part time language or sport instructor, if you have any proof that you are qualified to do so. In this article, we will look for what kinds of jobs we can get in Japan, especially in Tokyo, as a person who holds working holiday visa. Read More